
How to Prepare for Pregnancy: A Guide for Couples

Whether you're just considering the idea or actively trying, preparation is key. In the world of pregnancy and parenthood, knowledge is indeed power, giving confidence as we move forward on this incredible path.


Understanding Pregnancy Basics

Venturing into the realm of parenthood is a profound life-changing journey. But before we set off, understanding the very basics of pregnancy can help illuminate the path ahead.


The Importance of Pre-Pregnancy Care

You wouldn't set out on a road trip without a map and some snacks, right? In the same vein, prepping your body and mind before pregnancy can make the ride smoother. By ensuring you're in optimal health, you're setting the stage for a more comfortable pregnancy journey.

Taking steps before conceiving is essential for both your well-being and that of your future child. A good place to start is visiting your doctor or local Planned Parenthood health center for pre-pregnancy advice.

Here are some of the things your doctor will discuss with you during your pre-pregnancy visit:

  • Your medical history and family's medical history

  • Your current health issues

  • Your diet, vitamins, and lifestyle habits

  • The safety of any medications or supplements you are taking

  • Your pregnancy history

  • Your safety at home and work

  • Your mental health concerns

Pre-pregnancy visits are a great time to ask questions and learn more about how to have a healthy pregnancy. So come prepared to ask about anything you are wondering about.


The Process of Conception

Let's break it down: conception is a dance, a tango between the sperm and the egg. While it may sound straightforward, this dance can sometimes take a while to perfect. Knowing the rhythm of your body, especially your menstrual cycle, can be like having the song's sheet music.

Staying informed and aware is crucial. Conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, or even a history of miscarriages can make pregnancy more challenging. If you're over 35, underweight or overweight, or aware of potential genetic risks, seeking pre-pregnancy care becomes even more essential. Remember, knowledge is power.


The Role of Partners in Pregnancy Planning

The journey to parenthood is a shared one. Your partner can provide more than emotional support during pregnancy, especially if lifestyle changes are necessary for a healthy pregnancy. It's also vital to consider the health of your partner or sperm donor.

Factors like diet, lifestyle, and even exposure to excessive heat can influence sperm count and quality, potentially making conception more challenging [source]. Certain habits or health issues can lower sex drive, affecting intimacy and chances of getting pregnant.

Couple feeling happy after taking a home pregnancy test.

It's beneficial to have an open conversation with your partner about lifestyle adjustments, including addressing any concerns about low libido. Together, you can make choices that pave the way for a healthier pre-pregnancy journey.


The Connection between Infertility and Lifestyle Choices

The choices we make, from what we eat to how often we move, can impact our journey to parenthood more than we often realize.


Diet and Nutrition

Food is fuel, and what better way to rev up your body for pregnancy than by nourishing it? A balanced diet doesn't just keep you energetic; it can also play a role in fertility [source]. As you prepare your body for pregnancy, specific nutrients become essential to address potential nutritional gaps.

Here's a quick nutritional guide as you gear up for this exciting phase:

  • Folic Acid: helps prevent birth defects that harm the baby's brain and spinal cord. Sources include leafy greens, citrus fruits, and whole grain breads.

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: these fats promote a baby's brain development. If fish isn't a regular part of your diet, consider foods like walnuts and flaxseeds.

  • Iron: essential for the development of both the placenta and fetus, it aids in blood production to supply oxygen to the fetus. Rich sources are lean meats, beans, and spinach.

  • Calcium & Vitamin D: these nutrients are instrumental in the development of the baby's teeth and bones. Dairy products, green leafy vegetables, and fortified plant-based milk are excellent sources.

Remember, while nutrients can fill gaps, it's imperative to consult with a health care provider to ensure appropriate dosages and avoid any potential risks during pregnancy.

Information sourced from Prenatal vitamins: Why they matter, how to choose by Mayo Clinic.


Stress and Fertility: The Complex Interplay

Life's hustle and bustle can sometimes be a little too much. Long-term stress can have a significant impact on fertility, including libido. When life's demands escalate, many find that their drive diminishes, creating another layer of difficulty for couples hoping to conceive [source]. 

For many couples, the natural process of conception involves intimacy without the assistance of technologies like IVF. Beyond its primary role in conception, sex can act as a valuable stress reliever. However, modern life often challenges couples to find time for intimacy, especially with conception in mind. Additionally, periods of stress can lower your libido, so you might not be in the mood [source].

The interplay of stress, libido, and conception is complex, demanding a balanced approach. As we navigate the challenges, it's crucial to prioritize mental and emotional well-being, ensuring that the journey to parenthood remains as fulfilling as the destination.

Woman stressed in her bed next to her sleeping husband.jpg

Learn more about the relationship between Stress & Libido by exploring our dedicated blog post on the topic. Equip yourself with insights and strategies to balance life's pressures and maintain a thriving intimate connection.


Natural Solutions for Boosting Fertility & Intimacy

Mother Nature has a treasure trove of solutions for us, particularly in enhancing fertility and intimacy.


Supplements and Herbs

Nature has always been our first pharmacy. You might be familiar with the widely recognized benefits of folic acid. But have you considered the potential of other natural allies?

  • DHEA: A hormone that may help improve egg quality in women and sperm health in men [source].

  • Ashwagandha: An adaptogen that has been shown to improve female fertility by balancing hormones and reducing oxidative stress, which can enhance the quality of egg production and increase the chances of conception [source].

  • Maca: This root can help promote both male and female fertility by increasing libido, promoting ovulation, increasing sperm count, and more [source].

  • Tribulus Terrestris: A plant known for its potential to enhance male fertility by improving semen quality and sex hormone levels [source].

  • Saw Palmetto: Saw palmetto may increase both male and female fertility by stopping the breakdown of testosterone in the body [source].


The Active Path to Conception

Regular physical activity offers so much more than just toning muscles. It harmonizes the mind and body. Whether it's a brisk walk, light aerobics, or your favorite fitness routine, all contribute to a healthier you.

Regular exercise plays a crucial role in balancing hormones, improving insulin, and reducing stress levels, all which can help boost fertility [source]. A study discovered that women who exercised before their IVF procedure had a higher likelihood of becoming pregnant. This study demonstrates the advantages of staying physically active while undergoing fertility treatments.

Couple exercising and doing squats at home

For those wanting to integrate more intimacy into their workouts, don't miss our earlier blog: 5 Sexercising Ideas for a Healthy and Happy Relationship. It offers a unique blend of fitness routines to boost both health and connection.


The Role of Fertility Tests

Navigating the path to conception can be a journey filled with its twists and turns. Sometimes, understanding the underlying factors can provide clarity and direction. Fertility tests are medical evaluations that can offer insight into the reasons behind conception challenges


When to Consider Taking a Test

The clock's ticking, and if you feel like the stork is taking a scenic route, perhaps it's time to consider a fertility test. Experts advise that you undergo infertility testing if you have not achieved pregnancy after a year of unprotected sex without using birth control [source].

Remember, it's not about rushing or panicking; it's about understanding and making informed decisions.


Understanding the Results

Decoding the results from a fertility test might initially seem daunting. It's crucial to remember that these tests are telling your unique body's tale, shedding light on factors that can be both within and beyond your control.

A common cause of female infertility is often linked to ovulation issues, whereas male infertility frequently arises because of problems with sperm cells and their functionality [source].

Doctor consulting patient couple on fertility treatment for infertility

Age, lifestyle, health conditions, and other factors can also affect fertility. 


Navigating the Parenthood Pathway

Embarking on the journey of parenthood is filled with wonder, anticipation, and many intricate steps. Preparation is key, and understanding the science and nature of conception can illuminate the path. From acknowledging the importance of pre-pregnancy care to appreciating the role of partners in pregnancy planning, every step matters.

But beyond these initial stages, having a trusty companion can make all the difference.

Meet bido, a premium dietary supplement that combines the essence of nature and the prowess of science. It is packaged in a 2.5 fl oz shot and comes in two formulas: for him and for her.  Our drinks are crafted not just to enhance libido but promote a sense of well-being. 

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Let bido be your holistic ally, amplifying your experiences, and adding an extra touch of vitality to your journey towards parenthood.


Disclaimer: The content provided in this blog is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. While bido is crafted with a combination of nature and science, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before using any supplements, especially if you are pregnant, trying to conceive, or breastfeeding.