
6 Vitamins for Libido: Natural Supplements for Female Libido

Let’s face it: what you eat has a huge impact on not only your body but also on your libido. While hormones and stress can also play a key role in your sexual desire, what you put into your body is also of utmost importance.

Various lifestyle and nutritional factors can impact sexual function in women [source]. This isn’t your fault; it’s just that getting the right nutrients is getting harder to do. With that said, you may be in need of natural supplements for female libido incorporated into your diet from time to time.

Women are increasingly interested in finding the best vitamins for women’s libido enhancement, especially when it comes to addressing bedroom issues. Have you been wondering how to increase women's libido with vitamins? Explore our top list of natural remedies and vitamins to improve women's libido and get your groove back.

Supplements for female libido - bido
Related reading: How to Increase Libido in Women


What Vitamins are Good for Libido?

Below are six key vitamins and herbs known to boost female libido and support sexual well-being.


1) Vitamin C: a great female libido booster

Vitamin C is a wonder vitamin, really. It improves your immune system, helps circulation, and also increases your energy levels [source].

If you’ve been struggling to stay awake or feel like you haven’t been able to get a lot of sleep, Vitamin C can help boost your mood. Needless to say, this is a great female libido booster [source].


2) Magnesium and sex drive

Did you know that stress is a major contributor to a woman’s loss of libido? Many libido supplements for women have magnesium in them because it can help regulate relaxation and promote better sleep [source]. Magnesium and sex drive are deeply correlated as insufficient sleep and exhaustion can end in a low sex drive.

Good sources of magnesium include pomegranate, leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. However, it is important to note that it is difficult to get enough magnesium from food alone, so supplements may be necessary.

Woman waking up early in the morning after having good sex with her partner
Related reading: Sleep and Libido: An Intimate Connection


3) Niacin: a unique ingredient in libido-boosting supplements for women

Also known as Vitamin B-3, Niacin is one of the most common ingredients in libido-boosting supplements for women. It offers a wild jolt of energy and also helps circulation throughout your body—including down there [source]. This is a good choice if you’ve been feeling draggy.


4) Zinc and libido: the secret ingredient to increase libido

There are a lot of women using zinc for libido problems. But, does zinc increase libido? Research suggests that zinc supplementation can significantly improved sexual function in women, including desire, arousal, orgasm, satisfaction, vaginal moisture, and pain during intercourse [source].

There are plenty of zinc-rich foods that you can enjoy, including shellfish, eggs, and leafy greens. Most people get their daily recommended value of zinc without even trying.


5) Maca Root for Women’s Libido and Sexual Desire

Often heralded as one of the best adaptogens for women’s libido issues, maca is an all-natural herb used by natives as a remedy for menopause for years. Its fame comes from the plant’s ability to help the human body regulate hormones. So, how does maca help with libido?

This hormone regulation makes maca root an excellent addition to any diet for women who haven’t been feeling their mojo in recent years. Studies have proven that taking maca daily for at least 12 weeks increases sexual desire and improves sexual function.


6) Ashwagandha Benefits for Sex

Does ashwagandha increase sex drive in women? Ashwagandha is one of the best adaptogens for libido, regardless of your sex. It is a herb that’s rich in chemicals that help offer stress management, circulation improvement, and a boost in cognitive function [source].

Translation? You will feel better, be more focused, and also find it easier to get your blood pumping.

Vitamins for female libido - bido
Related reading: Ashwagandha for sex: is it good?


Looking for Libido Supplements?

Libido supplements for women are a dime a dozen these days, but the truth is that only a handful are actually worth your time. But, is there a simpler way to have a perfect dose of natural libido supplements and vitamins instead of buying each ingredient on its own? Yes! It’s possible with bido: one of the most comprehensive holistic solutions among the best female libido supplements available.

bido for her is a daily libido-enhancing drink formulated with women in mind. It features a unique formula packed with scientifically-backed ingredients known to promote sexual health, libido, and overall well-being.

Click here to read a comprehensive review of bido by 303 Magazine.