Polyamorous find the type of relationship that works for you: Let’s define polyamorous
Polyamorous relationships are definitely trending these days, but they don’t come without their frustrations. One of the hardest things to explain to people is what you mean by “polyamorous.” In other words, what does being polyamorous mean and how do polyamorous relationships work?
People define poly relationships in a bunch of different ways, so let’s take a look at some types of polyamorous love and how it can impact your relationship

What is polyamorous?
Polyamorous is a term that is often said to be the opposite of monogamous, but this is not always true. Being polyamorous means that you are romantically or sexually involved with more than one person, and more importantly, that everyone in your love life is aware of it and okay with it.
Generally speaking, polyamory tends to have a connotation of a romantic, emotionally-connected relationship. It is not the same as sexual non-monogamy, since you are actually dating multiple people at the same time.
Monogamy means that you are having sex with one person and that you are generally emotionally tied to that person. Non-monogamy means you might have an entire relationship with multiple people, or you might just have sex outside your primary relationship. Polyamory denotes an actual relationship.
Let’s talk about types of polyamorous relationships
Now that we have the definition of polyamory under wraps, let’s be real. Polyamory comes in many different “flavors'' and categories. It’s best to define diverse polyamorous relationship types so that you can understand how to ask for your choice:
What does polyamorous mean to you?
When you start to explore polyamory, there are a lot of different ways your relationship can function. Being able to explain what polyamorous means to you and the type of relationship you want to have in words is remarkably empowering. It lets you voice your needs and boundaries in a way that you otherwise wouldn’t be able to.

Is polyamory better than monogamy?
It’s really not. Polyamory is not better than monogamy. Being polyamorous or non-monogamous is not better or worse than having a traditional relationship. Rather, it’s just different.
Polyamory has a lot more rules and responsibilities, but it also can be just as enjoyable—if not more so. With that said, it takes a lot of effort to maintain more than one relationship. (As we all know, even a monogamous relationship takes effort.)